Opera Australia is supposed receive more than $24 million in extra federal funding over four years, according to the National Opera Review.
Opera Australia today learnt of the contents of the National Opera Review Final Report. This is the culmination of almost two years research and analysis led by Dr Helen Nugent and her panel which includes Moffatt Oxenbould, Kathryn Fagg and Andrew McKinnon.
The four opera companies currently funded by the Federal Government were given a briefing on the key content and recommendations of the report today. The report is comprehensive, detailed and fact based. It encompasses a substantial analysis of the operations of the four companies and the sector more widely. The report recognises the difficult financial environment in which our opera companies operate within the wider Australian arts context.
Opera Australia's Chairman, David Mortimer AO congratulated Dr Nugent and her team on the report and the work therein: "This is a comprehensive analysis of our company and our industry more widely. Helen Nugent and her panel have gained a solid understanding of the current situation facing our sector and provided an informed road map for its future. I support the report and its recommendations and am very encouraged by the analytical approach undertaken by the panel. I am sure that this substantial report will lead to a better outcome for Opera Australia and our colleagues."
Craig Hassall, CEO of Opera Australia, said of the report: "The publication of the final report of the National Opera Review is a welcome sign of support for our industry and the rigour with which this analysis has been undertaken is impressive and fact based. We appreciate that the report promotes more opportunities for artists, artisans and audiences, all of which we support. We also look forward to working more closely with our colleagues in the other opera companies and the sector more widely. These are challenging times for the arts and this confident and forward looking recommendation is welcomed by Opera Australia."
Lyndon Terracini, artistic director of Opera Australia, said of the report: "I welcome the recommendations of the National Opera Review. The strong suggestion that Opera Australia present more works and greater diversity of repertoire across the year is enthusiastically welcomed by me, particularly as this will mean more opportunities for Australian artists. I am particularly pleased about the focus on innovation and new technology, as this is an area that I have been keen to advance within Opera Australia. It also chimes with my views on what constitutes a 21st Century opera company. I also applaud the concentration of sector development which I hope will lead to a greater engagement with young emerging singers starting out in their careers in opera."
Photo Credit: Opera Australia