The Manhattan Opera Repertory Ensemble will present legendary opera conductor and composer Anton Coppola in a discusion of Italian opera and a masterclass on interpretation and style featuring selected singers from MORE Opera's roster at Most Precious Blood Church, 109 Mulberry Street in Little Italy on Friday, September 19, 2014 at 7:30 PM. The program is presented in conjunction with MORE Opera's October 12th and 15th performances of Puccini's "Tosca," under the renowned conductor's baton at Dicapo Opera Theater. In addition to the masterclass, Maestro Coppola will reflect on hisconducting career, verismo opera, and his unique vision for MORE Opera's upcoming production of "Tosca" during the 90-minute program. This is a great opportunity for opera aficianados and the general public to witness a master conductor at work. Admission is free.
For more information about this and other events presented by MORE Opera, visit or
contact the church office at (212) 226-6427.