The Port Elizabeth Opera House's new programme Drama Seasons, the new programme initiated by the Port Elizabeth Opera House, kicks off today at the Barn Theatre with the production IT'S NOT ME. Devised and developed by the Brighton Players, the play stars Xolani Ngesi and Mongesi Ncwadi and is directed by Mzwanele "Zwai" Mgijima.
IT'S NOT ME reflects on the rays of pain and vengeance that, no matter how much South Africans try to move away from their past, are sure to keep up with them - and catch them when they least expect it. Before 1994, South Africa was a bloodbath, a theatre of anger and hatred between the oppressed and the oppressors. The police presented themselves as the moat that protected and defended apartheid and all its privileges. Sadly some of the apartheid defenders were easy victims themselves to the freedom fighters. IT'S NOT ME tells the story of a man who has fallen in love with the daughter of a former cop that he killed, accusing him of being a "system" collaborator. What happens when old wounds are opened? With the success of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission still being debated years after its tenure, IT'S NOT ME explores why South Africa remains at a latent boil.
IT'S NOT ME runs from 27 - 30 April. Tickets, costing R50 (with a concession price of R20 for students and senior citizens) can be bought through Computicket.