"Rising indie luminary" and noise rock artist YUZIMA has vowed to focus on one song per month from his new LP THE MACHINE in his "Nine Months of The Machine" series, last month was the blogger favorite "Black Graffiti", March's single is anti-violence anthem "Guns".
Yuzima, who grew up in Gun Hill Projects in a rough part of The Bronx, has witnessed violence up close - several times having a gun pulled on him and having recently dealt with the murder of his god brother and music impresario Jamal Taylor who was murdered in a Bronx staircase. All of this, including the multiple mass murders in Washington DC, Sandy Hook and Newtown, In the midst of a failed gun control bill and political inaction, Yuzima was prompted to add his voice. "I knew it was the right choice when I was looking at which direction to take "THE MACHINE", say's Yuzima. "This is a perfect example of people feeding into something negative and getting the same deadly response," he continues.
On "Guns" Yuzima uses a disaffected deadpan to tell the story of the different angles of a haphazard slaying. Over a wall of nineties inspired guitar noise, the lyrics tell a story of an inexperienced son of a gun owner accidentally shooting himself after fending off an intruder. "I wanted to show that sometimes being defensive and trying to get the other guy - the person who gets hurt is someone you love," says Yuzima.
YUZIMA wants Americans to stand up to what he see's as bullies like the NRA and gun huggers and he's using noise rock to do it. "Sometimes the best way to protest something is by telling a story," say's Yuzima. "I hate the gun mania and worship we seem to have in our country." "Too many have had to die." he continues, "But I hope this can be a anthem of triumph for survivors and people who believe in stopping the gun violence."
"Guns" is the latest single from Yuzima's new album THE MACHINE. Leaked songs stormed the internet late last year sparking quotes like "bad ass," "f#cking flawless" and "something new for the independent musical culture" from prominent blogs like Gayletter Afropunk, etc. "Guns" is available for streaming on soundcloud while the album is on Itunes.