Shine is the debut album of Swedish sweethearts Wildhart. The ten track album contains six new songs and four tracks from the bands debut EP. Wildhart'sathmosperic sound has been compared with the icy, ethereal Scandinavian qualities of acts like Little Dragon, The XX and Niki And The dove. Their new album holds instant hits as Shake Off and Heal that reminds of the bands debut hyped single "Stuck in a second" and at the same time the new tracks has a more rhythmical drive than their debut. It is more complex- but the music grows with each listen.
The opening, political - dark and - danceble, ends in the chaotic and shattering outro of Heal throwing you into the blurry and underwater-like intro of Broken Flowers. This track, togehter with Alley and Shine, holds a more warm and embracing sound, picking up the trails from EP 1. This album show their ability to mix an organic and live feeling together with the more electronical songs.
Wildhart have recorded and mixed the album themselves before teaming up with their co-producer Henrik Alsér (Svenska Grammofonstudion) for the final touches and mastering. Wildhart debuted in the end of 2015 with the Single Stuck in a Second which got over 100 000 streams in a week on the digital platforms. Their first EP 1 got a lot of attention at platforms like Konbini, The Line of the Best fit, Hilly Dilly, Clash and also Swedish press like Hymn, Popmaniand the music magazine Gaffa.
Wildhart is Ylva Holmdahl, Christian "Kiwi" Berg and Josefin Runsteen. The 11th of November Wildharts debut album Shine will be released at the Swedish indie label Gaphals on all digital platforms. Shine will be released digital and physical on CD and Vinyl.