WXPN presents The Next Kids Corner Music Festival on Saturday, November 17, 2012 at 11 AM at The Winter Center, Millersville University, 60 Cottage Avenue, Millersville, Penn.
Millersville University’s FAMILY FUN FEST series – Barry Kornhauser’s yearlong series of programs for kids 5-10 years old and their parents, grandparents or guardians – presents its next program in conjunction with WXPN at the just-opened Winter Center on the Millersville campus. The Next Kids Corner Music Festival is hosted by Kathy O'Connell and featuring performances by two bands: Steven Courtney + the Suitcase Musicians at 11am, The Diggity Dudes at Noon and a Musical Petting Zoo.
Steven Courtney + the Suitcase Musicians - Steven is a singer/ songwriter who has performed over 5,200 concerts to date, recorded 30 full-length albums, received a 2011 Parents Choice Award for the Million Smiles To Go album, collected 7 Children’s Music Web Awards and the Arpeggio Award for “Outstanding Work with Children” through the Arts, as well as produce four concert-length performance videos and an award winning Children’s TV series. Few artists are as committed to expanding the boundaries of kids music and family entertainment as Steven Courtney and we are excited to have him join us for our inaugural event in Lancaster County!
The Diggity Dudes play hip music for hip kids and their equally hip parents. A typical set covers everything from pet rocks to disco moves to science experiments to presidential physical fitness, all delivered via ultra-catchy melodies over funky and danceable grooves. Interactive skits, audience participation and a lighthearted comedic twist are what make a Diggity Dudes show more than a show - it's truly an experience. Ultimately, the Dudes are committed to helping provide all the young Dudes and Dudettes with an opportunity to experience the power and joy of a life enriched by music.
The Musical Petting Zoo -- Students of Millersville University will be on hand to welcome everyone into the new Winter Center and to demonstrate how to play some of the many musical instruments used every day within the Center. Learn how they work and secrets on how best to play them! Plus there will be other fun, interactive, hands-on activities for the kids. And, as usual at all Kids Corner Music Festival events, there will be FREE creative balloon twists courtesy of Kids Corner and WXPN-FM.
Since its debut in March 2011 the Kids Corner Music Festival series has entertained over 2,000 smiling faces! With events in Philadelphia, Wilmington and soon in Central Pennsylvania, the Kids Corner Music Festival series showcases the newest sounds heard nightly on Kids Corner. Its mission is to present quality music that the entire family will enjoy, in an environment that celebrates family fun.
This concert is made possible by a grant from the Lancaster County Community Foundation and support of WXPN, Millersville University, The Ware & Winter Centers, Rodgers & Associates, Ann B. Barshinger and Peggy Neff. Tickets are FREE to XPN Members. For others, tickets cost only $8.
Tickets: Call 717.872.3811 or 717.871.2308. Buy online at www.muticketsonline.com. Or, in person at the Ware Center, 42 North Prince Street, Lancaster, PA 17603, Mon-Fri. 9 AM to 4 PM. Advance reservations are strongly encouraged. Tickets are limited. Free parking is available at the Winter Center.