Beyonce and Jay Z have shared a new short film titled "Bang Bang Part One," the first in a three-part series which is presented during the super couple's On The Run tour. The dramatic video, shot in black-and-white, features the couple as gangsters who are on the run from the law.
Check it out below!
Beyonce is one of the most widely recognized and highly respected women in pop culture. A solo recording artist, actress, philanthropist and businesswoman, she has released four #1 solo albums and has sold over 75 million albums worldwide. Her work has earned her numerous awards and accolades, including 16 Grammy Awards. Billboard named her the Top Female Artist and Top Radio Songs Artist of the 2000s decade. The Recording Industry Association of America also recognized Beyonce as the Top Certified Artist of the 2000s.
The critics have consistently praised her energetic stage shows likening her to the best entertainers of the past with her own brand of sass and class that makes her the artist of the future. "Beyonce has a breathtaking need to entertain," said Ben Ratliff of the New York Times and Chantal Eustace of the Vancouver Sun summed it up writing, 'Beyonce Twisted all the theatrics into her music