The COVID-19 pandemic continues to rock the music industry.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to rock the music industry, reached out to a few musicians to see how they were spending their days indoors. Today, Nané vocalist Daniel Sahad shares his Quarantine Diary. Nané' s "QuaranTEEN" is out now.
[9 a.m.] The third alarm wakes me. I panic-read emails from bed. I usually wake up to 30 emails and 40 text messages a day from different music and film projects. Eye of the tiger, all is right. Don't listen to your therapist kids, you really can have it all.
[9:30 a.m.] Have espresso on my porch and listen to music or stand-up comedy. I eat a fiber cookie. Think about my day ahead, question my life, and reply to emails and calls with the enthusiasm of a spritely man. I water my palm, Donna, she is the heart of this home.
This was created in a time when people couldn't touch others, and we were scared to touch our own faces. We couldn't leave home so we were forced to look within. When dreams were put on hold, and some lost everything. I mean there were hornets, forest fires, explosions, locusts and earthquakes. We wore the same sweatpants for weeks, and UFO's and Nazi's made the same headlines and neither shocked the public. The cherry on top was a racist reality TV star that became the most powerful man in the world. I'm talking live-action Jumanji-level bull s.
But in this we learned who we couldn't live without. What we loved in ourselves, and what we missed in others. Our values and our dreams that couldn't be silenced. How resilient and adaptable we were, and how terrifyingly tough the youth was. The power in numbers.