Singer/songwriter Toby Lightman will perform at UCPAC's Hamilton Stage for the Performing Arts in Rahway on Saturday, October 3rd at 8 p.m. Tickets are just $20 and can be purchased at The concert is part of the on-going Split Level Concert Series which highlights critically acclaimed singer-songwriters in a uniquely intimate setting.
In a world of auto-tune, Toby Lightman's pure and soulful voice cuts through the noise. From her major label debut in 2004 to her current independent release, Every Kind Of People, Toby has mastered her own sophisticated urban pop. With each song, recording or collaboration, Toby continues to hone, craft and perfect her unique sound.
Lightman's long-time love affair with living in a hustling, bustling city, coupled with the human condition, is the journey that resides in the songs on Every Kind Of People. "I spent years writing songs about my life and my own personal love and loss, only to realize that my stories were also being played out in front of me on the street. From the girl standing on the sidewalk crying, to the man sleeping on the subway heading home from work, we are all feeling the same things, and that's what I tried to convey in these songs. Sometimes I look up at the buildings and think, every window is a person, a person with a story."
As an independent artist, Lightman has enjoyed tremendous success with the placement of her music in film and TV. People Magazine called her songs "rich, soulful pop," and USA Today said her "dusky vocals and earthy, groovy vibe invite comparisons to Joan Osborne and Sheryl Crow."
Upcoming Split Level Concerts include Kim Richey at Hamilton Stage on October 24th, Willie Nile at Hamilton Stage on November 27th, and Peter Bradley Adams on December 4th at The Loft at UCPAC. For a full listing of shows, visit the Split Level Concerts website at and the Union County Performing Arts Center website at