The four-time Grammy-nominated, nationally touring act Trout Fishing in America, is back with their wittiest collection of original story-songs yet. Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers features tongue twisters, mind-benders, spooky situations and instantly identifiable slices of a kid's life. From the creepy feeling of stepping in a gooey substance that is definitely "not mud," to witnessing the disturbing sight of your sister kissing her boyfriend, to exploring a "Zoo Wacky Zoo" where tigers do the tango, the wildly imaginative songs and situations unfold with every track.
Keith Grimwood and Ezra Idlet have been writing and playing music together since 1976, when they met up in Texas in a folk rock band. Performing Songwriter magazine selected Trout as one of the top 100 most influential independent artists in the past 15 years, and they regularly win awards and critical acclaim. Their unique style appeals to audiences across the generations, making theirs truly "family music." Even the songs written for children will amaze grown-up ears with universal themes and sophisticated musicianship. As the New York Times notes, "They embody a kind of goofball gestalt at odds with the sugary sweet format of so much other music for the younger crowd."