"Walk The Walk" is the incredible, highly stylized, fashion-led music video from iconic 2-tone band, The Selecter. Styled by renowned celebrity stylists Sam Lambert & Shaka Maidoh from ArtComesFirst, directed & co-produced by David Fitzpatrick (Broken Toy films), the video pays homage to the individuals, the rudeboys & girls and all those who stand proud for what they believe. Click here to watch the video!
As well as featuring The Selecter's iconic frontwoman Pauline Black and 'Gaps' Hendrickson, the video also stars a host of high profile figures from the world of fashion, music & art, including Baloji, Mike B, Harris Elliott, Matteo Gioli, Sinbad Phgura, Sam Lambert & Shaka Maidoh.
The Brixton Railway Arches provide the interior location shots and the owners of the artistic communities who thrive there are desperately fighting eviction by Network Rail, who wish to install expensive retail chains in their place. While the Rectory Grove in Clapham provide the rest of the shots, and has been a housing co-operative for over 40 years. The residents have now been evicted by Lambeth council who are selling the formerly derelict houses for huge sums of money. Walk the Walk was shot on the very last day prior to their eviction and stands as a homage to that community that has been dismantled for profit.Videos