On the heels of their critically acclaimed self-titled debut album, Americana duo The Everydays are back with their sophomore effort "When It's All Over"! The Everydays, from Black Mountain, North Carolina, is the collaborative effort between singer-songwriters Tim Marsh and David Zoll. Both musicians also maintain membership in several area acts including Chalwa, Asheville Horns and Bayou Diesel. Tim Marsh and David Zoll also perform as solo acts under their respective names.
Says David, "One major theme on 'When It's All Over' is loss. Dealing with loss over the backdrop of getting by day to day. Knowing our condition is temporary and pondering the great unknown. With a couple love songs thrown in to pull you back from the edge."
The album was recorded at Collapsable Studio in Asheville, NC. The studio indeed collapsed, closing its doors for the last time during the mixing of "When It's All Over". Which resumed at the engineers apartment after a healthy delay. All in all, one year and four months passed from start to finish. The songs were written individually by Tim Marsh and David Zoll, The Everydays. The title track "When Its All Over", written by Zoll, is a letter to his wife as she was away taking care of her dying brother.
"When It's All Over"
"Backwards Just Because"
"Wasting Time"
"One By One"
"Playing With Fire"
"Nothing Does Anything"
"Loving You"
"Oh This World"
To purchase The Everydays "When It's Over" CD: http://www.cdbaby.com/m/cd/theeverydays3