'However Did The Wolf Get In' is described as bringing together the introspective with more worldly concerns with political commentary on the track 'Andy Coulson' which reflects on the way absolute power corrupts absolutely " I don't care who you tread on, I dont care, just get it done." It's one for the "reclaim the streets" generation.
Sparrow are one of the most balanced bands you will ever find comprising of both men and women in equal measure and gay or straight people in equal measure. We are not outing anyone here as it is not the focus of the bands music. Caz Adlington is one of the most gifted female drummers on the planet, who is muscular enough to be a perfect counter point to Bryn Mabeys sinuous bass playing. Their is also an intruiging vocal ambiguity about the band as the lead vocals are shared between Ali Gavan and Marina Tiffeny as their harmonies blend seamlessly. Sparrow hope to come to the US and Canada to do some dates in the summer of 2013 to further promote 'However Did The Wolf Get In".