Recently named BEAT100 Ultimate Musician, singer-songwriter Sacha provides the BEAT100 community with inspiring words throughout her original acoustic, folk, and country songs. Born and raised in Montreal, Quebec, Sacha now lives in Toronto and performs throughout Canada while writing originals and covering a variety of artists. Currently sitting comfortably in the top of BEAT100's Original Music Video Chart, Sacha says: "I write songs from the deepest places in my heart to things that people consider as fun and enjoyable."
Her charting track, 'Stix N Stones', is one of those originating from the heart, as the anti-bullying anthem reflects on her own experiences being bullied as a child, while offering hope and a positive message to others. 'Stix N Stones' received airplay on CBC radio's "Fresh Air" during an interview last year and the song's official music video premièred at Empire movie theatres in Whitby, Ontario while acquiring much attention from Canadian radio stations and press. As a result, Sacha was dubbed a "Rising Canadian Star" on Virgin Radio's anti-bullying campaign.
Describing herself as "a musical messenger changing the world one song at a time," Sacha's additional releases similarly provide inspiration to her listeners. Now available on iTunes, Sacha's release of 'Nothing to Lose' supports "every little thing" you can do to help others while promising that "it will all come back to you." The track truly shows Sacha's ability to release music adhering to the most professional quality and is highly recommended to BEAT100 members. In addition, Sacha's original "This is the day", was written by Sacha for her friend's wedding and is now one of her most highly requested songs.
Following a performance during a Dallas music festival last summer, Sacha will visit Nashville this August following the release of her upcoming original single, "Music Row." Meanwhile, she's currently recording and producing uplifting new songs with music producer, Adam Newcomb, in Ontario for future release. From a victim of bullying to a rising singer-songwriter, Sacha's charisma and success certainly offers a positive message to any individual facing the difficulties of being bullied. Reflected in 'Stix N Stones', Sacha sings to victims of bullying: "Soon you will see everything turn right around."
BEAT100 members can vote for Sacha in the BEAT100 World Music Video Chart this month while following Sacha on her BEAT100 profile, 'iamsacha', to view her video for 'Stix N Stones', as well as her other live video performances. Musicians can join BEAT100 for free today and upload their original music to the site for a chance at joining Sacha as a BEAT100 Ultimate Musician.