"You Won't Believe" is being offered as a free download from the acclaimed concept album Rosler's Recording Booth, written and produced by Don Rosler, featuring ten NYC-based eclectic artists (Spottiswoode, Jeremy Sisto, Terry Radigan, Isabel Keating, Tam Lin, Tamara Hey, John Margolis, Kathena Bryant, Jon Albrink & Rosler).
"You Won't Believe" is a celebration of New York City. The city that many a lone soul set off to in years past, present and future... in pursuit of their dreams. This song is in the spirit of all those "I'm going to send for you as soon as I make it" missives. Guest vocalist Spottiswoode seranades his far-away gal while hanging with King Kong up in the Empire State Building Observation Deck, as he sings (and rides) the Coney Island Cyclone AND as he sneaks up to the Riverside Church Bell Tower to ring some bells. All in one song!