REBEL POP singer/songwriter, Katie Costello is releasing her new EP, "From the Vault". The music video for the first single, "A Beautiful Mystery" is being released with the EP.
"A Beautiful Mystery" was in the Claire Danes film, "As Cool As I Am" and the hit MTV show "Teen Wolf". "Here & Now" was in a Kellogg's ad. Along with the EP's "Silver & Gold", "I'll Be Here" and "Lights", these 2 tracks were not originally for release. Completing her third full-length album (due early 2017), her first since 2011's "Lamplight", Katie Costello said, "These songs had fallen through the cracks. My fans got them on my radar!"
"From the Vault" is sure to be enjoyed by music fans of all stripes. From the new jazz standard, "Lights" to the rockin' "A Beautiful Mystery" with pop appeal, "From the Vault" is sure to put a spring to the step of all listeners.
Founded in 2008, REBEL POP Records is an Independent Label and Music Publisher [Rebel Pop Songs (BMI)], founded by Katie Costello and Vivekan. Its mission is to bring quality popular music from the heart of sincere Artists, straight to music fans all over the world. Along with "From the Vault", its catalog of releases include, "Rebel Pop Singer Songwriter", "Kaleidoscope Machine", and more.