The Pennsylvania Jazz Collective announces their next public event will be presented in partnership with the State Theatre, Easton, PA. On Saturday April 15, 2017, the show will be presented in the Acopian Ballroom at 7:30 pm, Co-op Bop has been performing as a group for over four decades. They have built an extensive library of original compositions and arrangements of American standards.
Four of the six members of Co-op Bop have been honored as PA Jazz Artist of the Year. Nelson Hill - 2012, Tom Kozic - 2013, Craig Kastelnik - 2014, Gary Rissmiller - 2015 Their recent CD released by Minsi Ridge records, has been garnering rave reviews and a tour of Europe is in the works for the coming summer. In keeping with their education mission, PA JAZZ produces their popular Jazz Idol program and presents their annual jazz awards every spring, including their most anticipated award, Artist of the Year which honors a prominent regional jazz artist that best exemplifies excellence in jazz performance and education. or call 570.656.5631. You can also visit
Wayne Maura, PAJAZZ President states "This group represents the best of our regions jazz family. Thier show are always exciting and very diverse." There is a $21 charge for the performance in the Acopian Ballroom. Open to the public, the show will hopefully become the first in an ongoing series presenting the regions finest jazz musicians. April is National Jazz Appreciation Month. PAJAZZ artists appear at many venues throughout the month. The Pennsylvania Jazz Collective is an arts organization dedicated to promoting America's indigenous art form, Jazz. Through concerts, community based initiatives and educational outreach programs, this unique performing arts organization presents jazz artists in various settings and venues throughout the area. The organization's over-arching goal: To educate and raise the community's awareness of jazz as an art form.
All proceeds benefit the Freddy Awards. .