The music weaves dance music and alternative into "something unique and utterly disarming."
Today, Paper Idol shares his EP, Mania Days, out today via CloudKid. To commemorate the release, the music video for "Seen This All Before" is out now. COOL HUNTING premiered the video, praising how "under its sunny, synth-driven exterior beats the song's lyrical edge."
Discussing the video, Paper Idol says: We shot the video in a single day in 2019 while Adam [keyboards]'s brother, Sam, was visiting from out of town. Sam happened to bring his video equipment and was like "you guys wanna shoot a music video?" We went to every possible tourist destination in LA we could think of and just kind of fooled around and sang to people. The song release was delayed due to Covid, which gave us the perfect opportunity to frame it as two guys entering a 2019 simulator. It's pretty funny - we look younger, there are people out everywhere with no masks, and the famous Echo Park foot sign is still up!Paper Idol is the genre-bending pop project of LA-based artist and auteur Matan KG. The music weaves dance music and alternative into "something unique and utterly disarming" (Beats per Minute), with storytelling that blurs the line between reality and fantasy, optimism and delusion.
Watch here: