Pacific Symphony Youth Wind Ensemble (PSYWE), comprised of wind and percussion instrumentalists in grades 8-12, led by Music Director Joshua Roach (under the direction of Pacific Symphony Music Director Carl St.Clair), and three gifted soloists: Courtney Park, oboe, Thomas Yoo, clarinet, and Christopher Bryant, saxophone will grace the stage today, May 13.
An exciting program of familiar movie music—performed by the young talent of PSYWE. The concert opens with a “Space Music Suite,” which includes the main theme from “Apollo 13” and two pieces from the hit show/franchise, “Star Trek.” Next, PSYWE performs music from “The Incredibles” by Michael Giacchino and from “The Mission,” Ennio Morricone’s exquisite “Gabriel’s Oboe.”
PSYWE also performs well-known pieces from the legendary composer John Williams, including the theme from “Schindler’s List,” “Catch Me if You Can,” “Harry’s Wondrous World” from “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” and “Raiders March” from “Raiders of the Lost Ark.” Tickets are $18 general admission, $30 Box Circle. For more information or to purchase tickets, call (714) 755-5799 or visit