Cleopatra Entertainment has commenced shooting on a brand new bio-pic in Los Angeles based on the final days of legendary former New York Dolls guitarist JOHNNY THUNDERS. Written and Directed by brothers Vicente and Fernando Cordero, "THUNDERS" begins with Johnny arriving at a New Orleans hotel with a methadone supply, struggling to get his addiction to heroin under control and to reconnect with his family as he adjusts to life away from the rock and roll spotlight - and the fame and adoration that went with it.
From there we're led on a series of strange events that throw Johnny into a dark labyrinth where Johnny must embark on a mysterious journey in New Orleans during his final days as he struggles to get his life, his family and his music back on track.
"THUNDERS" stars newcomer Leo B. Ramsey as Johnny Thunders with Devin Ketko, Timothy Lee Depriest, Jason Lasater and Jonny Sculls in support roles. An official motion picture soundtrack will be released in conjunction with the film's premier, slated for early 2018.Videos