My Darling Fury, the Richmond, VA-based band of three that blends indie and pop sounds to create what some would call a bruised elegance, razor-sharp wit, and quirky theatricality are previewing the release of their EP ACHES (4/8) with a behind-the-scenes video for their single "Satisfied."
Watch the video:
While some would think the song "Satisfied" is reminiscent of actually being satisfied, Todd Matthews, Joel Hollister, and frontman Danny Reyes of My Darling Fury instruct us to look deeper into the true meaning of the lyrics. "The song isn't about being satisfied, it's about what it's going to feel like when you finally get to be satisfied", they tell PureVolume. "In the social media age, it's something we're all familiar with: that feeling that people are happy, being awesome and you don't measure up. When you see people you know doing bigger and better things and you feel like you're left behind, looking out". The band goes on to say that the song speaks to the potential feeling of being happy, with bitterness underneath it. A type of "blood in your mouth" satisfaction. Hauntingly relatable, no?Videos