Mike Doughty's World-Renowned, Award-Winning Question Jar Show at Bridge Street Live is set for Thursday April 24, 2014 at 8:00 PM. Tickets are $24 GA, $34 VIP, and available at http://41bridgestreet.inticketing.com/events/391385.
Doughty, joined by the inimitable Andrew "Scrap" Livingston, picks audience questions and requests out of a jar--and his audience is wickedly good at coming up with extremely weird things to ask.
Mike Doughty contains multitudes: Singer. Songwriter. Guitar player. Poet. Author. Playwright. Photographer. Most Improved Camper, West Point Youth Camp, 1982. He's released five solo albums, some EPs, a couple of live albums, a bunch of EDM tracks and remixes, a poetry book, and a memoir about that time he was in a band called Soul Coughing and didn't like it and took a lot of drugs. He most recently released an album of covers in the fall of 2012, wherein he played songs by John Denver, Cheap Trick, and Stephen Sondheim.
After years of not playing the songs of the band he founded in the 90s, Mike Doughty's got an upright bass player, a drummer, and he's put together a show playing the best of Soul Coughing-"Super Bon Bon", "Circles" among them. "My memoir, The Book of Drugs, was a big fat ball of darkness," Doughty says. "I wanted to figure out who I was, where I was, and what I meant, when I wrote those songs-and what, back then, I originally wanted them to sound like."