Today, in an exclusive interview with Rolling Stone Country, one of country music's most successful bands, SHENANDOAH, announced the return of lead singer MARTY RAYBON. Following a 17-year absence, Raybon rejoins the group this October.
Excerpt from Rolling Stone Country exclusive: "The voice of such classic country hits as "The Church on Cumberland Road," "Next to You Next to Me" and "Somewhere in the Vicinity of the Heart" is back. Marty Raybon is reuniting with Shenandoah, the band he co-founded in 1984 but left after their 1997 tour to travel other musical roads. Raybon tells Rolling Stone Country that getting back together with bandmates Mike McGuire, Stan Munsey and Chris Lucas was a long time coming. 'We were not a band that broke up because of dissension,' he insists. 'We had our disagreements, as partners do in a business relationship, [but] we were then and remain to be friends. Returning to the band had actually been talked about on several different occasions throughout the years. I've always been truly proud of what we accomplished... the songs we recorded, the way they moved people. For years, all of us have heard what those tunes, those stories, meant to folks. We feel there is more to be said. So it's time to reload and fulfill the request, not only of our hearts but for all the fans who want to see us back together.'"Photo Credit: Anthony Ladd