After a number of years invigorating the Balearic music scene from his Ibiza base through both his International Feel label and weekly sunset residency at La Torre, Barrott adjusts his focus for 2017 and brings a wider context to the sound, embodying elements of world music and a more poignant mood."As the madness of the summer and the cumulative effects of a busy year started to slip away, I noticed the mood change at La Torre, as the post sunset nocturne started to get longer and longer. It made me realise that this was a different kind of music, more intimate and reflective. What I call 'positive pathos' and it was a feeling I was very keen to explore once September finished and I headed back into the studio.'
Mark Barrott - Schopenhauer's Garden
Mark Barrott - Emile?
Mark Barrott - Mokusho?
Mark Barrott - Lysander