Premiering on Earmilk, "YéYé (Ooh La La)" is the first video off of Make the Girl Dance's highly anticipated sophomore release Extraball.
It's with some 60's rock influences that the Parisian electro duo Make The Girl Dance has decided to conquer the world's dance floors. The first extract of their second album 'Extraball' surprises once again by surpassing the electronic music's borders and drifting into some old-school rock tunes which were directly inspired by the most glamorous period of French music: the YéYé. 'YéYé' is the title of the first single, as well, which sounds like an international smash hit, bouncing and persistent, just like a bouncing ball. This metaphor was the source for the music video. The video is as foolish, fresh, and off-key as the band itself. Greg starts throwing the bouncing ball in Malibu, California. With a bit of luck and force, this ball might bounce across the United States to eventually arrive on the East Coast, more precisely, New York City, where Pierre is impatiently waiting for it. A fun and magical video, during which a little yellow ball seems to come alive to make us visit this huge country: from the Joshua Tree Canyons to the bayous in Louisiana and making stopovers on the Aircraft boneyard in Arizona and in some disused factories. "It reminds us of the unifying nature of music, and the way communication can make our world seem smaller than it really is," explains Earmilk.Make The Girl Dance - Extraball*pre-order with "Yé Yé (Ooh La La)" instant grat*
(photo by Flavien Prioreau)