Avery Brewing Company and Z2 Entertainment will present Bluegrass Tuesday featuring Horseshoes & Hand Grenades, Long Road Home and more at the Fox Theatre on Tuesday, August 4th, 2015. Free before 9pm for 21+ or $5 after 9pm or under 21.
In 2010, the five Wisconsinites that today make up Horseshoes & Hand Grenades found themselves in a living room in the college town of Stevens Point, WI, holding acoustic instruments and enjoying a hodgepodge of fermented beverages. Music ensued that evening and while many of the party guests eventually bid their goodbye well into the morning hours, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades weren't ready to let the get-together fade. Three years later, the music still hasn't stopped and the party is still going strong, from the mountain west to the river towns of the mid-west that the quintet calls home.
Early open mic performances at a central-Wisconsin country bar called the Northland Ballroom led to other shows and the band began to realize their love for playing music together and traveling to new places and new people. As the band continued to perform regularly on weekend nights, while also hanging out and picking at parties and get-togethers just about any night of the week while attending school, a sound began to form that was reflective of the musical influences of the individuals that make up the group. While strongly rooted in bluegrass, old-time, and folk music, the band produces a sound that draws on the vaults of music collectively or individually enjoyed through the course of their lives thus far. The music doesn't lend itself well to definitions or boundaries. One could probably be formed, but the boys seem to generally prefer fishing a river, or enjoying the company of friends and barley beers.For more information, visit Horseshoes & Hand Grenades website at: http://hhgmusic.com/.