Lindsay is joined on many of the songs by Raffi, who also produced the album.
Raffi's label, Troubadour Music, announces the upcoming release of Frogs and Birds by the award-winning Lindsay Munroe. Lindsay is joined on many of the songs by Raffi, who also produced the album.
Emanating encouragement, understanding, and authentic respect for children of all abilities, these 14 buoyant tunes shine with gentle sincerity, as Lindsay and Raffi's voices weave a texture that flows effortlessly from melody to harmony throughout. July 7th marks the release of the album's title track as Frogs and Birds' first single, as well as the kick-off for pre-orders of the digital and CD versions of the complete album, to be released via Craft Recordings in the US on August 27th, 2021. Click HERE to pre-order. The title song is a duet with Lindsay and her daughter Mem. "Frogs and Birds" is a tender and lilting tune about considering other people. Mother and daughter first alternate verses and then join for a collective chorus, with Raffi blending in for the final chorus. A mother of three children with autism, Lindsay Munroe is a passionate advocate for diversity and inclusion. Munroe's warmth and deep sensitivity to children with special needs inform the songs on Frogs and Birds, which she and Raffi created for all children, but especially for those who are neurodiverse, as well as for their families and teachers who embrace inclusion in the classroom. Songs like "Faces Show Our Feelings," "Flexible and Easy Going," "Feelings Like the Weather," "Very Funny Things," and "Take a Breath" (a self-regulation song written by Raffi in 2016) are musically outstanding, in styles ranging from folk to jazz. The songs offer practical tools to help kids improve their social skills and self-reliance through kindness and caring.Videos