Emerging hip-hop star Lilbootycall released a new animated video for his vibrant track "Mariah," which arrived a week prior. The stunning, anime-inspired visual directed by Aaron Hymes features a cartoon adaptation of LBC cruising around in an alternate imaginary universe complete with dancing greenery and a sushi road. Lilbootycall has been covered by the likes of The FADER, XXL, Forbes and Noisey and streamed over 30 million times across platforms. Check it out below!
Lilbootycall (LBC) is a 22-year-old hailing from San Antonio, Texas, who is leading the wave of a fresh, uplifting genre in hip-hop. Priding himself on abstaining from alcohol, drugs and smoking, LBC represents the under-represented and bullied youth in our society. LBC may have one of the most outlandish names in the game, but its origins come from a real and possibly relatable place. The young artist felt like both his friends and women alike only reached out to him when their original plans fell through-leaving him to feel like a last minute "booty call."