He has also released two remixes of the song.
"This song was written in a time of spiritual transformation for me," Pierce said. "The first half is an ode to that all too familiar pattern that has been a mainstay in my life for decades now. That is, to look only outward for love, a sort of a constant, desperate hunt for intimacy as a result of a loveless childhood."
Jonny Pierce of The Drums has shared the new single "Ambulance" today. A song filled with twinkling synths and yearning lyrics, listen to it below. He has also released two remixes of the song - listen to "Ambulance (Meat Computer Remix)" HERE and "Ambulance (Brevin Kim Remix)" HERE. "The second half of this song marks a new way of living for me," Pierce continues. "One where I finally understand that I have worth, that I am loved, and that I can love in a wholehearted way. It started one day as I was walking alone on a beach at night in Mexico. I was emotionally and therefore physically exhausted and I felt the need to lay down. Once on my back, and almost involuntarily I started to caress myself. I rubbed my hands all over my chest and arms and softly stroked my hair as a mother might do with her child before bed. My eyes filled with tears and I felt raw love bubble up from inside of me. I believe It was the first time I had experienced what true, unfiltered love felt like and from that moment on this love has just grown and grown. I am stronger, happier, less afraid, and my heart feels full. This song marks the switch.""A share of all future profits from all new and previously released music by The Drums will be donated to non-profits supporting black musicians," Pierce stated. "We've begun consulting with some we know, and with community groups, to be sure we go about this in the best and most effective way. If you'd like to know more about how black artists shaped the musical landscape we all enjoy, I invite you to check out an episode of the podcast by The New York Times called 1619 : The Birth of American Music. Take a listen, search your heart, and if you are a non-black musician, producer, or writer who has a career in music, see how you might be able to do your part in making it right."
Listen here: