"At the start of 2016, a young duo from Tel Aviv known as Lola Marsh self-released You're Mine, an impressive debut EP that introduced its members, Gil Landau and Yael Cohen, as collaborators who together make magnetic, thoughtful indie-pop. Their distinctive sound resulted in a quick rise, first online and then in person, with performances bringing the band to Europe and North America. But when they got to work on their forthcoming full-length album Remember Roses (Universal), they didn't only look to what's ahead; they also reflected on their start in music. What emerged was a song called "Morning Bells," which you can listen to exclusively below.
"'Morning Bells' is a song about the beginning of Lola Marsh," explains Cohen, "the way both of us struggled to fulfill our dream together while trying to survive the challenging life of being musicians." It's fitting, then, that the track did not emerge in one fell swoop. It began with a beat, and after some time melody and lyrics followed, but Landau and Cohen had difficulties arriving at the right chorus. "We wanted something uplifting and strong, and tried all kinds of different parts before we found the right one," says Cohen. The song they arrived at expresses the trust, nervousness, and excitement that's tied up in being creatively open without reserve. Remember Roses comes out next Friday, but you shouldn't expect an album full of songs similar to "Morning Bells" from Lola Marsh. "We weren't so sure the song would fit the album," admits Cohen, but ultimately it made the cut for that very reason. "At the end of the day we decided it gives the album this different, cool energy we love," he says.