Clear Channel Media and Entertainment today shared details of the social media engagement surrounding its 2013 iHeartRadio Music Festival, which took place in Las Vegas on September 20 and 21. This year's festival drove record-breaking buzz across all social media platforms, with more than 700K active social media users generating a total of 1.4M pieces of content and 2.3B total impressions, double the amount vs. prior year.
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter were the leading channels for conversation around the 2013 festival. Photo-sharing experienced a breakthrough at this year's festival, with Instagram posts accounting for 23% of all social media activity, as compared to less than 1% in 2012. Other statistics of note include: 97,202 social media posts and 1,297,909 interactions were generated about the festival, resulting in 1,440,304 total pieces of buzz Miley Cyrus topped the artists discussed during the festival, followed by Katy Perry, Queen and Chris Brown Social media interactions were skewed female (66% of content came from women) and young ( 48% of the social media contributors were 18-24 year olds); 83% of all people who participated were under 34 years oldVideos