Gemini, the musical duo made up of Ann Arbor's twin brothers San and Laz Slomovits, is nationally known for its music for children and families. On February 17, the brothers return to the roots of their music - songs they learned from their father in their native Hungary, Israeli and Yiddish songs from their three years in Israel as children, and the classic folk songs of the 1960s when they moved to this country.
Come hear an "Autobiography in Song" by these wonderful singers who are starting their 40th year of playing music. Sing along with the songs of Pete Seeger, Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Peter, Paul and Mary-"If I Had a Hammer, " Blowing in the Wind," "Where Have All the Flowers Gone," and many more-as well as Gemini's award-winning original songs.
San and Laz are fine multi-instrumentalists, playing guitar, mandolin, violin, and a variety of folk flutes and hand percussion in concert. It has been said of their uniquely blending voices that the twin brothers produce "genetically engineered" harmonies.
Gemini performs an "Autobiography in Song" on Sunday, February 17, from 1:30 to 2:30 pm at the Ann Arbor Senior Center in Burns Park, 1320 Baldwin Avenue, Ann Arbor. Admission is $5 general admission; $4 adults over 60 years old; free for Ann Arbor Senior Center members; free for children under 12 years old if with an adult. To purchase tickets to the City of Ann Arbor Cultural Arts & Lecture Series, call 734 794 6250. Seating is limited, so reserve your ticket early.
For more on this event or on any of the City of Ann Arbor Cultural Arts & Lecture Series events, call the Senior Center at (734) 794-6250; park program staff will be happy to assist you.