Coast 2 Coast Mixtapes announce the release of the new Forty mixtape "Reach for the Stars". The 12 track project is presented by Coast 2 Coast Mixtape Promotion and now available for download.
Ralphie Stewart aka Forty is an independent rap artist who was born in Lansdale Pennsylvania, but now currently living in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. He started rapping at 9 years old after hearing "My Life" by DMX. At 16, he put out his first mixtape "True Feelings."
Now, after putting out several mixtapes, Forty is determined to become a well known hip-hop artist. He is working on singles, his next mixtape and plans on doing more shows. His current project, "Reach for the Stars" is now available for download and streaming.
Coast 2 Coast Mixtapes are the most widely distributed mixtapes in the world, with over 100 million downloads/plays generated by over 200 volumes officially hosted by major artists. Coast 2 Coast has a solid reach in the new music industry with a digital magazine, DJ coalition, industry tips blog, yearly convention, and more. Coast 2 Coast Mixtapes represents a unique opportunity for artists of all urban genres, from major to indie. For more information, visit