The ZAPPA FAMILY TRUST honors the American Composer's "Signature Guitar Compositions" on iTunes. Released on this year's anniversary of FZ's death (December 4), Frank Zappa PLAYS THE MUSIC OF Frank Zappa--A MEMORIAL TRIBUTE features the classic recordings of "Watermelon In Easter Hay," "Black Napkins" and "Zoot Allures," as well as the earliest versions from the Vault at the time of the original CD release in 1996 (still available from Barfko-Swill). It was one final wish of the Composer that these not be performed by anyone else; Dweezil Zappa is the sole exception with respect to the latter two works.
This marks the first time the Zappa Family Trust has announced the significance of this Compilation. In the liner notes for the digital release of Frank Zappa PLAYS THE MUSIC OF Frank Zappa--A MEMORIAL TRIBUTE, Gail Zappa explains how this project came to be: "Many people have asked why FZ's gravesite remains unmarked. How is it possible that a mere stone, a stele, a tablet, a monolithic memorial marker could possibly serve proper notice of the existence of this man. This Human who is no longer Being. This is his mark. These 3 Guitar Songs. They are forever fixed in the now of the anytime you want to hear them. HERE."Videos