Billboard reports that legendary group Earth, Wind & Fire, who originally planned to release their new album in 2013, have decided to delay the project because they were not completely satisfied with it. "We have a lot more bells and whistles in place now and the record is better,' singer Philip Bailey said recently regarding the new album.
'Now, Then & Forever,' the group's first album in eight years, was released today, September 10th. Bailey said that co-founder Larry Dunn and other great producers helped produce the album's sound.
Bailey said, 'Let's go back to the drawing board,...It's a great representation of who Earth, Wind and Fire is now, but not departing from the classic sound.' Verdine White, the group's bassist, added 'It doesn't sound like we're trying to be anyone other than Earth, Wind and Fire.'
The legends have been working on this new project for two years. Its lead single 'My Promise' was released Monday and was co-written by Siedah Garrett. Garrett has been nominated for an Academy Award and is a Grammy Award Winner. Anyone that pre-orders the album will have their name put into the packaging.
The group is currently on tour and Bailey says he loves having his son along with him. His son is serving as a writer and producer on the new album. Bailey says It's a great experience to the say the least. 'I spend so much time away from my family and kids . (that this is) bonding like never before...He has the same passion.'