The empowering sister group, Ceraadi, released a new visual for their hit single Loyal, last week. Since its release, the duo has reached an astounding 1 million organic views in the first three days. The single is steadily peaking at Apple and Spotify with a constant climb in streams. Emaza and Saiyr quickly rose to stardom after showcasing their dancing and singing skills on YouTube and social media. Their loyal fanbase dubbed 'Ceriders' have helped the sisters grow their social presence to 1.3 million Instagram followers, 1 million YouTube subscribers and 27 million YouTube views, by the beginning of 2019.
The video for "Loyal" highlights the groups unique dancing skills with bright and fun fashion to compliment, inspired by the 90's R&B movement. This song takes supporters on a special ride with sassy rhymes and a hypnotizing hook.
Watch the video here: