"Crossfire" follows "Dystopia," Draeden's recent song released through Seven Lions' Ophelia Records, as well as stand alone singles "Arbiter" and "Ilusion." Since the release of Conquest, Draeden's 2019 four-track debut EP on Kannibalen Records, the emerging cinematic bass producer has carved out an enthralling brand engulfed in cyberpunk, video games and futuristic ideas.
Balancing sparse tranquility with hyper-rhythmic production, Draeden pulled inspiration from nature's changing fall colors on "Crossfire." The song's turbulent lyrical theme details the story of when vocalist Garrett Raff found out that someone he loved had been unfaithful. This set him off on a crossfire of emotions, expressed through the subtle sadness and confusion of the song's verses and the high energy anger found within the chorus. "Crossfire" is the latest example of how Draeden meticulously melds cinematic soundscapes and feverish beats to push the boundaries of dance music into a whole new universe.
New Noise is Dim Mak's new music discovery imprint that focuses on cutting edge sounds from burgeoning artists across the genre spectrum. New Noise originally got its start as a compilation series highlighting fresh faces handpicked by Steve Aoki and the Dim Mak crew. Since then, the platform has evolved into a bi-weekly, free-download model based on singles. New Noise's current incarnation is also copyright free, which allows the budding community of Twitch gamers and amateur YouTube creators to use New Noise music in their videos and live streams without the need to purchase or pay fees, all in exchange for linking back to the artists and their music.