Donny Most, who is perhaps best known for the role of "Ralph Malph" in the hit series "Happy Days," is scheduled for a return engagement at Catalina Bar & Grill on March 1st, 2015. Don has had a very active schedule, with numerous performances across the nation, most recently appeared at the famous "54 Below" in NY.
"I'm back with my first love," says Don. Before Most was an actor, he was a singer. Fans may fondly recall episodes of "Happy Days" that featured the now iconic characters playing for patrons at the popular hang out called "Al's." Nowadays, Don's backed by a seven-piece combo on a national concert tour titled, "Donny Most Sings and Swings." Although his red hair is silver now, it's encouraging to see how good he looks and how great he sounds, while performing standards like "Lady Is A Tramp," "I Can't Give you Anything But Love" and "It Had To Be You." His concert at the Catalina Club (6725 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-466-2210) at 7:30pm (tickets: $20 here), will be followed by a March 19thengagement at Martinis Above 4th (Plaza On Fourth, 3940 4th Avenue, San Diego, CA 92103 - call 619-400-4500), and a pending return engagement on April 9th to Rockwell Table and Stage (1714 North Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90027 - call 323-669-1550).Videos