Since the release of his critically acclaimed debut album ((un)), wonky-Brit-pop artist/producer Dan Black is making a welcomed return to U.S turf this winter with an exclusive and intimate performance at Le Baron Chinatown.
Dan has confirmed he will be performing brand new songs on stage tonight, December 3 and is proud to announce a second album in the works and set for release in 2013. Very special guests featured on the new album are to be unveiled later this winter with the release of his forthcoming single.
Dan Black is a true pop artist in every sense of the word. Singer, multi-instrumentalist, beat-master, mixer and producer, Black's ability to piece beats, rhymes and melodies together is clearly what sets him apart from the rest. His originality and approach to songwriting has unquestionably established him as one of the most exciting and innovative talents to grace the international pop arena over the past decade.
Since first appearing on our radars with his self-released debut single 'HYPNTZ', the Brit soon turned heads with his enviable mash-up skills and ability to slip subtly between the classic Starman’s sweeping strings, snappy Rihanna samples and the bendable, poseable rhymes of the Notorious B.I.G. Suddenly, all eyes were on the brains behind the track (Black), including Notorious' estate who caught wind of the blatant B.I.G. references after the track begun to receive notable exposure and praise across the blogosphere and on the BBC.
Within weeks, the former alt-rock architect (The Servant) and shape-shifting sideman (Planet Funk, Minty) had overwhelming interest in his own work; an experiment that quickly became a full-time job. Dan Black the solo pop artist was born. As for what happened to 'HYPNTZ', it was re-tracked as '
Symphonies' with original lyrics, and featured U.S rapper Kid Cudi, helping the single catapult up the U.S Billboard and iTunes charts in 2009.
Since the release of
((un)), Dan has gone onto tour with Robyn and Kelis, and plans to return to the road early next spring. In the meantime, be sure to catch Dan live in New York City next week.
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