The strong vocals mixed with the fast-cutting shots in the video give a very exciting feel and keep you engaged for every second.
Pop/R&B artist DANiiVORY releases new music video for single "Pink Lightning." Pink Lightning by DANiiVORY is a song that is filled with power and that power could not have been shown better in its music video. Ivory displays confidence and style all throughout the video that will be felt by the viewers. The strong vocals mixed with the fast-cutting shots in the video give a very exciting feel and keep you engaged for every second.
"Pink Lightning" acts as the perfect showcase for DaniiVory's unique musical style and it is guaranteed to leave the listener wanting more. The single is a combination of wonderful production, inventive instrumentation, and otherworldly vocals that result in a dreamy pop masterpiece.
"I want my audience to know that they can be liberated from their own preconditioned notions and beliefs, and there is beauty in discomfort and the rare moments of "going against the grain. Feel the lightning, feel the beauty," Dani states.
"Pink Lightning"
Production by David Asambazde
Mixing by James Krauss
Mastering by Anthony Focx
Video by McGettrick Media
Singer-songwriter DANiiVORY is an independent, R&B/soul pop artist who has had an absolutely stunning career in the music industry. Hailing from Wexford, Pennsylvania, Dani always had music in her life. Ivory's mother was a music teacher and a liturgical minister and encouraged Dani to pursue her passion for music. Dani then went on to obtain a higher education at Berklee College of Music and graduated with a dual degree in Contemporary Writing and Production and Vocal Performance.
Dani released her mixtape VII on Christmas Eve, 2021, and the mixtape has gained praise from Dani's fans and the media.
Dani plans to release her album Dreamland in 2022.To keep up with all things DANiiVORY, follow her on all social media platforms at @daniivory or at her website