"Eureka Springs" revels in Cory Driscoll's careful storytelling with narratives that linger in the mind long after it has ended.
Cory Driscoll speaks with a sophisticated take on classic folk on the lovely "Eureka Springs." An instrumentally engrossing album, every player listens to each other, building off each other. Rhythms keep a steady pace working in an atmospheric way.
Full of a tremendous outpouring of emotion, the communal play allows the album a degree of grace. Nods to groups like Wilco and Grizzly Bear emerge. Like Wilco, there is a classic, timelessness to the sound itself, one that sidesteps trends for something eternal. Grizzly Bear's influence comes from the impeccable arrangements, a chamber orchestra with a decidedly western twang. The lyrics unfurl, adding to the peacefulness of the experience.
"Ahead of My Heels" starts things off on a high note featuring vocals that have a tenderness to them. The intimacy of "Promised Land" radiates with such hope to it. On "What Happens," they embody the glowing embers of the morning light in a way that celebrates the expansiveness of America. Full of joy, "All Great Love" has a confessional aspect to it. Easy-going grooves alongside the tremendous swell of the keyboard "Hope Changes" opt for a hint of dignity to it. Gradually building itself up, "Magnetic Springs" presents a wide-open vista. Spry drums underpin the giddiness of "Out of Reach." By far the highlight, "Eureka Springs," offers a reflective stance to it, mystical in tone. The blooms of "Anonymous Water" end things on a powerful meditative note.
"Eureka Springs" revels in Cory Driscoll's careful storytelling with narratives that linger in the mind long after it has ended.
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