Celtic Crossroads-World Fusion Tour launches Friday, March 9 at 8 p.m. at the Brown Theatre.
Celtic Crossroads fuses traditional Irish music, dance and percussion with the pulsating rhythms of Bluegrass, Gypsy and Jazz influences.
Tickets start at $23.50. Kentucky Center Members save 15% on select seats. Call The Kentucky Center Box Office at 584-7777, toll free at (800) 775-7777, (502) 562-0730 (TTY), or visit www.kentuckycenter.org.
Kentucky Center Member tickets can be purchased by calling the Member Hotline; MembersFirst ($100-499 donors), call (502) 562-0144, and CenterCircle Members ($500+) call (502) 562-0195.
Please call (502) 562-0111 (V), (502) 562-0140 (TTY) or email access@kentuckycenter.org for information about the range of accessibility services we offer to enhance your performance experience.
SPONSORS: Sponsored by Republic Bank. This performance and outreach activity are funded in part by a grant from South Arts in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts and Kentucky State Arts Agency. Additional support provided by The Seelbach Hilton Hotel. Media support provided by WFPK.