In the hazy days of the mid-aughts, Casper & the Cookies lightly troubled the college charts with the melodic experimental bedroom pop of albums like Oh! and The Optimist's Club. But when it was time to get in the tour van the dreamsongs were torn from the comfort of bed and made to sleep on strangers' floors. They grew flesh, hair, and teeth.
Head Cookie Jason NeSmith has been collecting tracks for years with the intention of releasing a live record. "A lot of work went into [the albums]. When it came to the live show there was a lot more energy, guts, and soul, especially after we'd been on tour for a while. This record shows another side of the band. To some this is what the band really sounds like and the records are just showcasing the new songs until the band comes back to town." So why now? "The reason it's now and not six months from now is a friend of mine has been facing some serious heath issues. To start off, she's battling an auto-immune disease [Sjogrens]. One of the treatments caused a risk of infection in her teeth which in turn threatened a new heart valve and her life. She had great insurance which covered these procedures right up until this life-threatening situation resided in her mouth. [Aetna] completely shut down. They don't cover dental under any circumstance, which is just outrageous. I don't raise my voice for a lot of causes. But this seems pretty cut and dried. Just evil corporate s that no one should stand for. It's absolutely shameful. I don't have a lot of ways of speaking out and exposing bulls, but this is one."artist: Casper & the Cookies
album title: Live With Teeth: 2003-2007
release date: 4212016
available from:
price: $7 or more, all proceeds go to Heather Reddy's medical bills
Compiled and mastered by Jason NeSmith, download includes PDF with liner notes performances by Jason NeSmith, Kay Stanton, Tim Schreiber, Paul Walker, 63 Crayons, Bryan Poole, Ben Spraker, Sadanori Fuchizawa, Jay Gonzales, Peter Alvanos, Jim Hix, Joe Rowe
track listing:
1. Bubblewing Park
2. Summer Spider
3. Your Stereo / 63 Light Years Do You Accept The Charges
4. Crystal Light
5. Sneaky Snake
6. Phrasebook Freestyle
7. Barnacle Bill
8. Yer Birthday
9. Equal Thomas Ford
10. All Messed Up Over Girls
11. Do It Clean (vocal: Joe Rowe)
12. Sid From Central Park
13. Neo Dada Heyday / Sea Fingers
14. Kroetenwanderung
15. Oh!
16. My Heart Is In My Head
17. Take It Away, Kathy
18. Are You Receiving Me?
19. Jennifer's House
20. Dot Dash
21. Hey Mr. Superstar