Emeskay are back to usual form this month with the relatively unannounced delivery of this cracking new rework of the Cassius classic - 'The Sound Of Violence'. Up for FREE on their Soundcloud - their revision is a present from the boys as a thanks to their growing pack of supporters. Already stacking up support from key spinners including Andi Durrant, Erin Sharoni, Shiba San, Linus, Pete Griffiths, Tristan Ingram and Tim Cullen to name a select few - Emeskay are once again impressing the cream of the DJ world with their swish productions.
'The Sound Of Violence' is one of those legendary singles that pops up in a new form as dance music evolves through the years and whether it's the original, the vocal effort from Steve Edwards or now this fitting 2015 effort from Emeskay - it's a timeless single that remains more than relevant when remixed by the right minds. As expected - the efforts of these guys has hit the nail on the head and given a modern classic a twist that's a safe bet for any House-loving dancefloor in the world in 2015. The drums churn out a simplistic, yet effective rhythm comprised of a shuffled hat groove and subtle claps in the upper frequency space. The production keeps things under tight control, letting the percussive lead and rubbery bass take the centre stage alongside those unforgettable vocals that made the classic such an exceptional selection. Due to the nature of such a quality original, it's not the first time that producers have had a shot at reworking the classic - but it's got to be said that Emeskay's 2015 edition has done Cassius proud. Sticking to a sound signature that's really starting to rack up international recognition for the guys - Emeskay are clearly a bunch of talents that have the creativity, technological know how and work rate to make it count and with the schedule as busy as ever - the sky really is the limit.Videos