Following their debut single "Rebels In The Night" released November 2012, Las Vegas duo BLACK BOOTS return with "Flash Of Light," their second single for powerhouse Ultra Music, the world's leading independent electronic music label. Out today (January 15), the track features a hypnotizing melody that skillfully bridges the worlds of electronic pop and modern indie rock with equal parts after-hours club bounce and rock 'n' roll spirit. Meanwhile, look for the official video for "Flash Of Light" to be released in the coming weeks.
Only recently making their worldwide debut, BLACK BOOTS-Lightknife (production) and Mikey Francis (vocals, production)-have already been tapped as "artists to watch" in 2013 by several prominent media outlets, including:, who tagged them in their "30 DJs To Watch in 2013" feature; and Las Vegas CityLife.Following their first live performance (12/29/12) in Las Vegas' recently reopened Body English (Hard Rock Hotel and Casino) alongside M83, BLACK BOOTS are making their debut Los Angeles appearance Friday, January 18 at the celebrated electronic club night Control at Avalon in Hollywood supporting fellow Ultra Music label mate Congorock. The night will feature a full live act with Lightknife on live electronics joined by live vocalist/production Mikey Francis performing "Flash Of Light" and "Rebels In The Night," as well as several other original tracks.Videos