The video for "Distant Grandeur," by Brooklyn's Beast Patrol, can exist as a cinematic art piece separate from the already emotional track, off their forthcoming EP, Unarm Yourself(Space Camp Radio Records). It took multiple artists collaborating to make the video truly stunning-- filmed throughout New York State by Trevor Sage-El and Phil Knott, directed by Knott and Beast Patrol guitarist Robert Granata, edited by visual artist Max Gleason, and starring models Ned Shatzer and Taylor Warren. Vanessa Bley's Chrissie Hynde comparisons are undeniable on this scuzzy, yet lush track, fitting perfectly with the rich and beautiful visuals.
It all started with lighting water on fire. Bley (lead vox, guitar), Granata (guitar) and Anthony Marchesi (bass) met in 2011 while performing at the revolutionary anti-fracking concert "Pedal Power NYC," a show powered by bicycles and "natural ass." In early 2012, following Bley's release of her lush and vibrant alt-rock solo EP, the new friends decided to join forces to become Beast Patrol.
Within the same year, the Brooklyn rockers released the EP Fierce & Grateful, generating significant buzz including being named a Rolling Stone "Band to Watch" and a slot at Lollapalooza. After a year of extensive performing and the addition of Jacob Read-Harber on drums last summer, the four-piece has settled in and crafted their second record, EP Unarm Yourself, out June 10, on Space Camp Radio Records.
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