Ars Nova (Jason Eagan, Artistic Director) proudly announces its second Joegasm, a special post-show performance featuring composer Joe Iconis, the cast of Bloodsong of Love, as well as an assortment of special guests, including Lindsay Mendez (Everyday Rapture) and Jay Armstrong Johnson (Hair).
Ticket-holders to this Sunday's (May 2) performance of Bloodsong of Love get a free pass to the exclusive post-show concert in the intimate Ars Nova Artist Loft. The show will include trunk songs from Bloodsong as well as Iconis classics.
Bloodsong of Love: The Rock 'n' Roll Spaghetti Western, features book, music and lyrics by Joe Iconis, is directed by John Simpkins, and runs through Sunday, May 9. To purchase tickets, go to, call 212.352.3101, or visit the Ars Nova box office starting thirty minutes prior to shows. To get a free drink at every show, as well as members-only perks, become a Super Nova at