Walk Off The Earth is an unconventional, multi-talented five-piece musical phenomena that is currently taking the world by storm. Based in Burlington, Ontario (just outside of Toronto), their brilliant 5-people-playing-one-guitar interpretation of Gotye's "Somebody That I Used To Know" recently exploded on Youtube garnering well over 35 million views in under 2 weeks. The massive fan response quickly drew attention to their collection of innovative songs and videos spanning their last 5 years and generated an unprecedented flood of media interest. New fans from around the world immediately fell in love with the band's organic, independent, sincere and honest original songwriting, cover interpretations and beautifully filmed videos. For the past 5 years, the band has built a massive following of dedicated fans from around the world through their unique and heartwarming approach to songwriting, filming and constant, open interaction with everyone their music touches.
For more information, visit Walk Off The Earth's website at: http://www.walkofftheearth.com/.
For more information, please contact Greta Cornett at marketing@z2ent.com. Tickets are on sale at Fox Theatre Box Office. Call (720)-645-2467 for tickets by phone. Tickets are also available through our website @ www.foxtheatre.com.