Released in October 2017, "better" is the long-awaited new recording from acclaimed vocalist David Edelfelt. This stunning new collection brings jazz, pop and classical elements to standards, show tunes and inspirational songs made all the more stunning by David's powerful, rich vocals from a voice the Chicago Tribune calls "a luxuriant instrument."
David Edelfelt celebrates the release of his new CD better, with 3 special performances at Davenport's; 1383 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, Saturday, October 21 (7pm), Saturday, October 28 (8pm) and Friday, November 3 (8pm). David will be accompanied by Chicago favorite Beckie Menzie on piano. There is a $22 cover charge and two-drink minimum. Due to high demand, reservations are strongly encouraged by calling 773-278-1830 or online at
Showcasing an impressive variety of styles and emotions, Mr. Edelfelt has crafted a very personal yet universally appealing collection of songs about being better, about things that make or motivate us to be better and do better - in our selves, our relationships and our world - with the intent that this album will bring the listener thoughts of inspiration, challenge, clarity and peace. A 12-page booklet of every lyric which accompanies the CD is in itself a master class in being better.Videos