In 2013, after joining the band Foxygen, Shaun Fleming left the green and golden fields of his hometown of Agoura Hills, CA to become the third roommate in a 700 square-foot, pre-war, closet-free Manhattan apartment. He was welcomed to The Big Apple by a nasty flu virus that drained the last bit of California sunshine out of the skinny, Macaulay Culken-looking 26-year-old's body. As he recovered, cabin fever supplanted the flu, and his relentless creative drive took over. Low on funds and bored out of his mind, he spent the next two weeks alone in his bedroom writing and recording what would become the debut Diane Coffee LP, My Friend Fish.
Oct 29 - New York, NY * Pianos
Nov 2 - Austin, TX * Red 7 *
Nov 5 - Phoenix, AZ * The Rhythm Room *
Nov 7 - Los Angeles, CA * The Echo *
Nov 8 - Santa Ana, CA * The Constellation Room *
Nov 13 - San Francisco, CA * The Chapel *
Nov 15 - Seattle, WA * Barboza *
Nov 16 - Portland, OR * Bunk Bar *
Nov 19 - Denver, CO * Hi-Dive *
Nov 21 - Kansas City, MO * The Record Bar *
Nov 22 - Carbondale, IL * Hangar 9 *
Nov 23 - Louisville, KY * The Zanzabar *
* = w/ Those Darlins